Two Simple Relaxation Exercises

Two Simple Relaxation Exercises

One of the more positive things for me about working from home during the pandemic was that that I finally had to have that long-promised clear-out of the office. I got rid of a lot of clutter and rediscovered some useful things that I had forgotten I had. Amongst...
The SCARF Model in the Workplace

The SCARF Model in the Workplace

David Rock’s SCARF model relates to what he sees as the 5 domains that influence our behaviour in social interactions. These are: StatusCertaintyAutonomyRelatednessFairness An effective understanding of the model can improve communication in the workplace, based on...
Changing Culture to Promote Wellbeing at Work

Changing Culture to Promote Wellbeing at Work

In the UK it is estimated that 1 in 4 people will experience a diagnosable mental health problem in any given year. That equates to a cost to UK businesses of £45 billion per year and has risen by 16% (£6 billion) since 2016. Further research has indicated that as...
Management Styles and Corporate Narcissism

Management Styles and Corporate Narcissism

Since 2007/8 the media has portrayed the banking crisis as the responsibility of a handful of people with serious personality flaws. The poster boy in this blame game was Fred Goodwin, whose grandiose and sometimes bizarre behaviour whilst CEO of Royal Bank of...